Symptoms Of Diabetes: Do You Have It?

At this moment there are many people who are pre-diabetic or diabetic and don’t even realize it. Diabetes is a very dangerous disease. It is very important that you know the symptoms of diabetes and what signs you should look out for. Here are some tell-tale signs that you may  have diabetes and if you need to contact a doctor.

  1. Always thirsty. You feel dehydrated because of the extreme levels of blood glucose and leaving you extremely thirsty. If you feel like this often, get yourself checked.
  1. Excessive trips to the bathroom. Frequent urination is common among people suffering from diabetes, liquids will pass through them quickly, thus leaving them with a sudden urge to go.
  1. Noticeable unintended weight loss. A diabetics entire system is destabilized and unable to metabolize properly. If the weight loss is sudden and effortless, this is never a good sign. Even if diabetes is not the reason, you should talk to your physician immediately.

Symptoms Of Diabetes

  1. Over tired all the time. Many diabetics have reported having low amounts of energy. If this feeling persists at different times throughout your day it can be a good indication of diabetes.
  1. Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet. If these sensations occur frequently, add this to your list of suspicions and discuss them with your doctor.
  1. Change or decline in vision. Diabetics complain of blurry vision or unexplained spots in the visual field. These are important signs that something is off and should not be dismissed.
  1. Bruising easily. If your bruising problem only started recently it can be a tell-tale sign of poor glucose regulation. your doctor should be made aware of this also. 
  1. Extremely hunger and Moody between meals. Extreme variations in your mood can be a sign that your glucose is spiking at extreme levels. Your hands may start to shake as well.

If you are noticing some of these symptoms, call your doctor. These are the signs that something is severely out of balance in your body. Get a test for diabetes so you can address the problem. If you have it, then learn the steps to prevent it, even if you don’t. Your well-being and Healthy Future is what is at stake.

Good Health!!