Author Archives: Tony Schmidt

Steps For Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes has become a major medical epidemic in this generation. A large number of people have a  genetic predisposition to diabetes. Today Type 2 diabetes is at an all-time high. There is no need for despair because we are going to show some simple steps that can help you to prevent developing diabetes or if…

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Preventing Complications Linked To Your Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you need to work on making some changes to your lifestyle so you can manage your condition and reduce your risks of developing complications. These tips will help you make some positive changes. Keeping your blood sugar under control will reduce your risks of developing health issues linked to your diabetes.…

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Management Techniques For Diabetes

If you have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you may be feeling overwhelmed. But the sooner you take control, the better your prognosis. There is much you need to learn about this disease. Fortunately, there is plenty of information produced by scientific studies. Learning everything you can about diabetes and its treatment will…

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There Is More To Your Life Than Diabetes

Having diabetes puts different strains on you, from checking your blood sugars to taking your medications, some days it feels like it’s just taking over. The path to overcoming this disease is not to let it be the centre of life.Some people turn inward on themselves, losing an interest in the things they used to…

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Symptoms Of Diabetes: Do You Have It?

At this moment there are many people who are pre-diabetic or diabetic and don’t even realize it. Diabetes is a very dangerous disease. It is very important that you know the symptoms of diabetes and what signs you should look out for. Here are some tell-tale signs that you may  have diabetes and if you…

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Keeping Your Diabetes Under Control

So you’re living with diabetes. you got all the information on how to keep it under control, but some days it seems like it’s got you under control. Let’s look at some useful tips for you to keep your diabetes well managed. If you do not want to develop another medical condition due to diabetes,…

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How To Detect The Sypmtoms of Diabetes

Because the symptoms of diabetes can sometimes can seem minor, it is often undiagnosed. There are many people that are living with diabetes and don’t even know it. The following article will show you diabetes symptoms to look out for. One classic sign of diabetes is frequent urination. This is because of excess sugar that…

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